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Album Information

Album Name (Year):
Diamond Dogs - 30th Anniversary (2004)
Record Label:
Billboard Chart:
Album did not chart
Entry Week (Position):
- -
Peak Position:
- -
Weeks On Chart:
- -
Songs On This Album: (Click For Lyrics)
Disc 1:
1. Future Legend
2. Diamond Dogs
3. Sweet Thing
4. Candidate
5. Sweet Thing (Reprise)
6. Rebel Rebel
7. Rock 'N' Roll With Me
8. We Are The Dead
9. 1984
10. Big Brother
11. Chant Of The Ever Circling Skeletal Family
Disc 2:
1. 1984/Dodo
2. Rebel Rebel (U.S. Single Version)
3. Dodo
4. Growin' Up
5. Alternative Candidate (demo for proposed '1984' musical)
6. Diamond Dogs (K-Tel "Best Of" Edit)
7. Candidate (Intimacy mix)
8. Rebel Rebel (2003)

Album Notes
No information available
{Album Notes}


Now we can talk in confidence
Did you guess that we've been done wrong?
Lies jump in queue to be first in line
Such a shameless design

Ah, thinks he's well screened from the man at the top
It's a shame that his children disagree
They coolly decide to sell him down the line
Daddy's brainwashing time

He's a dodo, no no, didn't hear it from me
He's a dodo, no no, didn't hear it from me

She's quite enthralled with her childhood of yore
When a unit was a figure, not a she
When lovers chose each other, now the perks are due
Another memo to screw

She's a dodo, no no, didn't hear it from me
She's a dodo, no no, didn't hear it from me

Can you wipe your nose my child
Without them slotting in your file a photograph?
Can you sleep alone at night?
Wake to find the scorching light of neighbor Jim
He's come to turn you in

Another dodo, no no, didn't hear it from me
Another dodo, no no, didn't hear it from me

Ah, another do do, no, didn't hear it
Do-do, do-do


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Song Information
Song Written By:
David Bowie
Track Number:
Disc 2 - 03
Track Length:
Billboard Chart:
Song did not chart
Entry Week (Position):
- -
Peak Position:
- -
Weeks On Chart:
- -

Song Notes
Song features Lulu on vocals.

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