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Album Information

Album Name (Year):
Heathen (2002)
Record Label:
Columbia Records
Billboard Chart:
The Billboard 200
Entry Week (Position):
06/29/2002 (14)
Peak Position:
Weeks On Chart:
Songs On This Album: (Click For Lyrics)

Album Notes
This album also appeared on the following Billboard charts (Peak Position):
Top Canadian Albums (9)
Top Internet Albums (14)
Spent 18 weeks on the British Charts starting 06/22/02, peaking at #5.

{Album Notes}


Nothing remains
We could run when the rain slows
Look for the cars or signs of life
Where the heat goes

Look for the drifters
We should crawl under the bracken
Look for the shafts of light
On the road where the heat goes

Everything has changed

For in truth, it's the beginning of nothing
And nothing has changed
Everything has changed

For in truth, it's the beginning of an end
And nothing has changed
Everything has changed

1st voice (Not chanting):
In your fear
Of what we have become
Take to the fire
Now we must burn
All that we are
Rise together
Through these clouds
As on wings

2nd voice (Chanting):
In your fear
Seek only peace
In your fear
Seek only love
In your fear
Seek only peace
In your fear
Seek only love
In your fear
In your fear
As on wings

This is the trip
And this is the business we take
This is our number
All my trials
Lord, will be remembered

Everything has changed


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Song Information
Song Written By:
David Bowie
Track Number:
Track Length:
Billboard Chart:
Song did not chart
Entry Week (Position):
- -
Peak Position:
- -
Weeks On Chart:
- -

Song Notes
No information available


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