Love And Anger

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Album Information

Album Name (Year):
The Sensual World (1989)
Record Label:
Columbia Records
Billboard Chart:
The Billboard 200
Entry Week (Position):
Peak Position:
Weeks On Chart:
Songs On This Album: (Click For Lyrics)

Album Notes
This album also spent 20 weeks on the British Charts starting 10/28/89, peaking at #2.
{Album Notes}


It lay buried here, it lay deep inside me
It's so deep I don't think that I can
Speak about it
It could take me all of my life
But it would only take a moment to
Tell you what I'm feeling
But I don't know if I'm ready yet
You come walking into this room
Like you're walking into my arms
What would I do without you?

Take away the love and the anger
And a little piece of hope holding us together
Looking for a moment that'll never happen
Living in the gap between past and future
Take away the stone an the timber
And a little piece of rope won't hold it together

If you can't tell your sister
If you can't tell a priest
'Coz it's so deep you don't think that you can
Speak about it to anyone
Can you tell it to your heart?
Can you find it in your heart
To let go of these feelings
Like a bell to a Southerly wind
we could be like two strings beating
Speaking in sympathy
What would we do without you?
Two strings speak in sympathy

Take away the love and the anger
And a little piece of hope holding us together
Looking for a moment that'll never happen
Living in the gap between past and future
Take away the stone and the timber
And a little piece of rope won't hold it together

We're building a house of the future together
(What would we do without you?)
Well, if it's so deep you don't think that you
Can speak about it
Just remember to reach out and touch the past and the future
Well, if it's so deep you don't think you can speak about it
Don't ever think that you can't change the past and the future
You might not, not think so now
But just you wait and see - someone will come to help you


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Song Information
Song Written By:
Kate Bush
Track Number:
Track Length:
Billboard Chart:
Modern Rock Tracks
Entry Week (Position):
Peak Position:
Weeks On Chart:

Song Notes
This song also spent 3 weeks on the British Charts starting 03/10/90, peaking at #38.

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