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Album Information

Album Name (Year):
Aerial (2005)
Record Label:
Columbia Records
Billboard Chart:
The Billboard 200
Entry Week (Position):
11/26/2005 (48)
Peak Position:
Weeks On Chart:
Songs On This Album: (Click For Lyrics)

Album Notes
This album also appeared on these Billboard charts:
Billboard Comprehensive Albums
  Starting 11/26/05 Peak-49 Wks-2
Top Internet Albums
  Starting 11/26/05 Peak-48 Wks-2
European Top 100 Albums
  Starting 11/26/05 Peak-2 Wks-5
The British Charts
  Starting 11/19/05 Peak-3 Wks-15

{Album Notes}

insert ck
Could be honeycomb
In a sea of honey
A sky of honey
Whose shadow, long and low
Is slipping out of wet clothes?
And changes into
The most beautiful
Iridescent blue

Who knows who wrote that song of summer
That blackbirds sing at dusk
This is a song of color
Where sands sing in crimson, red and rust
Then climb into bed and turn to dust

Every sleepy light
Must say goodbye
To the day before it dies
In a sea of honey
A sky of honey
Keep us close to your heart
So if the skies turn dark
We may live on in
Comets and stars

Who knows who wrote that song of summer
That blackbirds sing at dusk
This is a song of color
Where sands sing in crimson, red and rust
Then climb into bed and turn to dust
Who knows who wrote that song of summer
That blackbirds sing at dusk this is a song of color
Where sands sing in crimson, red and rust
Then climb into bed and turn to dust

Oh sing of summer and a sunset
And sing for us, so that we may remember
The day writes the words right across the sky
They go all the way up to the top of the night


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Song Information
Song Written By:
Kate Bush
Track Number:
Disc 2 - 05
Track Length:
Billboard Chart:
Song did not chart
Entry Week (Position):
- -
Peak Position:
- -
Weeks On Chart:
- -

Song Notes
No information available

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