The Call Of The Wild

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Album Information

Album Name (Year):
Rei Momo (1989)
Record Label:
Luka Bop/Sire Records
Billboard Chart:
The Billboard 200
Entry Week (Position):
10/21/1989 (197)
Peak Position:
Weeks On Chart:
Songs On This Album: (Click For Lyrics)
1. Independence Day
2. Make Believe Mambo
3. The Call Of The Wild
4. Dirty Old Town
5. The Rose Tattoo
6. Loco de Amor
7. The Dream Police
8. Don't Want To Be A Part Of Your World
9. Marching Through The Wilderness
10. Good And Evil
11. Lie To Me
12. Office Cowboy
13. Women Vs. Men
14. Carnival Eyes
15. I Know Sometimes A Man Is Wrong

Album Notes
This album also spent 2 weeks on the British Charts starting 10/21/89, peaking at #52.
{Album Notes}


A bird who tries to fly higher
Flies into the blue
A lady who strives to rise higher
She wears a high heel shoe

Como un pajaro que vuela
Vuela alto al ciela azul
La mujer por mas que suba
Nunca lo puede alcanzar
Nunca lo puede alcanzar
Nunca lo puede alcanzar

Two mountains loved one another
For a million years
Let the river pull you under
Take your fingers outta your ears

What made Mona Lisa smile?
Es una sonrisa eterna
Learn not to run when you hear it call
La cual no puedes cambiar
It is not a lullabye
Su cantar es diferente
And the call of the wild is not a difficult song
Con su tonada bestial
No the call of the wild is not a difficult song
Con su tonada bestial

Es un eco en las montanas
Que rebota sin cesar
Y abajo cruza el rio
Que elimina el mal pensar
Que elimina el mal pensar
Que elimina el mal pensar
Que elimina el mal pensar

Albert Einstein wrote equations
Como un pajaro que vuela
God told Noah "Build an ark"
Vuela alto al cielo azul
Johnny Mathis sings Cole Porter
La mujer por mas que suba
To bring light into the dark
Nunca lo puede alcanzar

What made Mona Lisa smile?
Es una sonrisa eterna
Learn not to run when you hear it call
La cual no puedes cambiar
It is not a lullabye
Su cantar es diferente
And the call of the wild is not a difficult song
Con su tonada bestial
No the call of the wild is not a difficult song
Con su tonada bestial

Es el cantar de la selva
Con un ruido muy bestial
Es un eco de salvaje
Que se puede dominar
Que se puede dominar
Que se puede dominar

And the call of the wild is not a difficult song
Que se puede dominar
The call of the wild is not a difficult song
Que se puede dominar

And the call of the wild is not a difficult song
Que se puede dominar
The call of the wild is not a difficult song
Que se puede dominar

Que se puede dominar
Que se puede dominar ...

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Song Information
Song Written By:
David Byrne, Johnny Pacheco
Track Number:
Track Length:
Billboard Chart:
Song did not chart
Entry Week (Position):
- -
Peak Position:
- -
Weeks On Chart:
- -

Song Notes
No information available
{Song Notes}
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