Tiny Town

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Album Information

Album Name (Year):
Uh-Oh (1992)
Record Label:
Luaka Bop/Warner Brothers Records
Billboard Chart:
The Billboard 200
Entry Week (Position):
03/21/1992 (144)
Peak Position:
Weeks On Chart:
Songs On This Album: (Click For Lyrics)

Album Notes
This album also spent 5 weeks on the British Charts starting 03/14/92, peaking at #26.
{Album Notes}


It's a tiny town, you can hang around with me
It's a tiny town, and ev'rybody knows what you been doin'
So don't you mess around, 'cause it's a tiny town,
Teeny weeny town, tiny town, tiny town
And ev'ry little town, if you look around
Is a tiny town, tiny town, tiny town

Be careful my darlin'
What you say and do
The shit that you make
Comes right back to you

And the whole wide world is a tiny town
Full of tiny ideas
With each tiny heart pumpin' up and down
Come be tiny with me

Such a tiny town, but we have trouble livin' with each other
Some would knock you down
And someone else would like to steal your lover
It's a tiny town and it's enough to make you lose your mind
Mother nature says - she won't play that way
So quit your cryin'

Mama still loves you
When you go astray
You don't need to push
Her in her grave

In my tiny mind you are tiny too
I'll be tiny tonight
For each tiny me there's a tiny you
Close your tiny town eyes

And the birds sweetly singing
In the tiny town trees
And the animals ask what you're doin'
Well it's as plain as can be

I see your sadness
Like birds in the air
I see them all
Flying away

In each tiny heart in this tiny world
Is a tiny desire
And each tiny boy and each tiny girl
Close their tiny town eyes

And the whole wide world is a tiny town
Full of tiny ideas
With our tiny hearts pumpin' up and down
Come be tiny with me

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Song Information
Song Written By:
David Byrne, Angel Fernandez
Track Number:
Track Length:
Billboard Chart:
Song did not chart
Entry Week (Position):
- -
Peak Position:
- -
Weeks On Chart:
- -

Song Notes
No information available
{Song Notes}
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