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Album Information

Album Name (Year):
Ten Out Of 10 (1981)
Record Label:
Mercury Records
Billboard Chart:
Entry Week (Position):
Peak Position:
Weeks On Chart:
Songs On This Album: (Click For Lyrics)

Album Notes
Unable to verify Billboard chart information prior to November 1983.
{Album Notes}


The summers were longer, they went on forever
Oh and the sky so blue
We never worried about anything
We didn't question the nature of things
We didn't want to know
Talking in whispers and wondering
Oh and I loved you so
Memories, they linger with you but you
Soon forget that we started in innocence
Memories, they linger with you but you
Soon forget when you're grown
We dream in the night, of mythical days
And nights in white satin
But when the child wakes, the fantasy breaks
We didn't know what the future would bring
We didn't want to know
Something was growing inside of me
Oh and I loved you so
Memories, they linger with you but you
Soon forget that we started in innocence
Memories, they linger with you but you
Soon forget when you're grown
Photographs, faded photographs
Holidays, summer holidays
First love, broken promises
All a play, I'm going back to yesterday
The feeling was stronger, it went on forever
Oh and your eyes were true
We were so wrapped up in all of our dreams
We didn't care what the future would bring
We didn't want to know
Talking in whispers and wondering
Oh I still love you so
Memories, they linger with you but you
Soon forget that we started in innocence
Memories, they linger with you but you
Soon forget when you're grown
Yeah, yeah
Memories, they linger with you but you
Soon forget that we started in innocence
Memories, they linger with you but you
Soon forget when you're grown


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Song Information
Song Written By:
Graham Gouldman, Eric Stewart
Track Number:
Track Length:
Billboard Chart:
Entry Week (Position):
Peak Position:
Weeks On Chart:

Song Notes
{Song Notes}
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