Flame Of The West

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Album Information

Album Name (Year):
Steeltown (1984)
Record Label:
Mercury Records
Billboard Chart:
The Billboard 200
Entry Week (Position):
11/24/1984 (95)
Peak Position:
Weeks On Chart:
Songs On This Album: (Click For Lyrics)

Album Notes
This album also spent 21 weeks on the British Charts starting 10/27/84, peaking at #1.
{Album Notes}


A stranger came by traveling
He went to every door
He said he'd lost his people
He had come to look for more

And many did believe him
As he talked upon the square
The spell he wove upon us
Fills my body with despair

And in his eyes
Was the flame of the west
Until it burns
He never rests

He had the voice of an angel
And the face of a saint
And though they fell behind him
I knew what it was he meant

His eyes were full of demons
As he made the message clear
He strode the world like Caesar
With a trident held his fear

And in his eyes
Was the flame of the west
Until it burns
He never rests

It's just how its always been
One man with a ruling dream
And everyone falls for him
Heroines in an ancient film

It's just how its always been
One man with a ruling dream
And everyone falls for him
Heroines in an ancient film

Look out for that stranger
If you pass him on your way
He never sees a danger
In the darkening of the day

There will be dollars in his hand
He has all hell to pay
And he will pass them to you
If you promise you will stay

And in his eyes
Was the flame of the west
Until it burns
He never rests

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Song Information
Song Written By:
Stuart Adamson, Mark Brzezicki, Tony Butler, Bruce Watson
Track Number:
Track Length:
Billboard Chart:
Song did not chart
Entry Week (Position):
- -
Peak Position:
- -
Weeks On Chart:
- -

Song Notes
No information available


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