Small Town Big News

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Album Information

Album Name (Year):
Rarities VIII (2006)
Record Label:
Track Records
Billboard Chart:
Album did not chart
Entry Week (Position):
- -
Peak Position:
- -
Weeks On Chart:
- -
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Album Notes
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{Album Notes}


She was born out of wedlock
When the summer turned to autumn
Somebody saw her daddy at the bus stop
They said he looked like a guy off the Waltons

Ain't nothing new, it ain't all that strange
It won't matter much in the scheme of things
There's a lot to say, but not much to do
But for a small town it was big news
Small town big news

She skipped out of high school
With a guy on a motorcycle
In a short skirt and too much rouge
She wasn't really dressed for revival

Ain't nothing new, it ain't all that strange
It won't matter much in the scheme of things
There's a lot to say, but not much to do
But for a small town it was big news
Small town big news

You are only the window
It's all black and white
You can see a whole lot more
If you could stand out of sight

A fool could see she didn't love him
But nobody stopped the wedding
At least she's doing better than her mama
With a daddy for a baby and a cold drink

Ain't nothing new, it ain't all that strange
It won't matter much in the scheme of things
There's a lot to say, but not much to do
But for a small town it was big news
Small town big news

Small town big news
Real big news

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Song Information
Song Written By:
Stuart Adamson
Track Number:
Track Length:
Billboard Chart:
Song did not chart
Entry Week (Position):
- -
Peak Position:
- -
Weeks On Chart:
- -

Song Notes
No information available
{Song Notes}
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