Starred And Crossed

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Album Information

Album Name (Year):
Peace In Our Time (Bonus Tracks) (1990)
Record Label:
Warner Brothers
Billboard Chart:
Album did not chart
Entry Week (Position):
- -
Peak Position:
- -
Weeks On Chart:
- -
Songs On This Album: (Click For Lyrics)

Album Notes
The re-release of this album did not chart.
{Album Notes}


Long hard years with the fishing fleet
I hear the owner says he don't need another bad year
Like the five that went before

Oil men came and trawlers went
Put up the rigs and put up the rent
But we were working, paying our own way

Work was hard and days were long
Shoot a little pool and sing old songs
'Till the tour was over
And the town was painted red

Starred and crossed like saints we never were
Starred and crossed like all the paths we shared
Just got a little money in this town
And now they're pulling the whole place down
Saying it's over, it's all over
Saying it's over and I know they never cared

We sunk the drills, we cleared the ice
We rode the storms, we paid the price
The sea expected
Well nothing comes for free

Boomtowns come and boomtowns go
Put up the shutters after the show
But we were born here
This is all we know

Starred and crossed like saints we never were
Starred and crossed like all the paths we shared
Just got a little money in this town
And now they're pulling the whole place down
Saying it's over, that it's all over
They're saying it's over and I know they never cared

Oil men came and the trawlers went
Put up the rigs and put up the rent
But we were working
Paying our own way

Boomtowns come and boomtowns go
Put up the shutters after the show
But we were born here
This is all we know

Starred and crossed like saints we never were
Starred and crossed like all the paths we shared
Just got a little money in this town
And now they're pulling the whole place down
Saying it's over, it's all over
They're saying it's over and I know they never cared

Starred and crossed like saints we never were
Starred and crossed like all the paths we shared
Just got a little money in this town
And now they're pulling the whole place down
Saying it's over, it's all over
They're saying it's over and I know they never cared

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Song Information
Song Written By:
Stuart Adamson, Bruce Watson
Track Number:
Track Length:
Billboard Chart:
Song did not chart
Entry Week (Position):
- -
Peak Position:
- -
Weeks On Chart:
- -

Song Notes
No information available


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